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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Liberty Gardens

I would assume most adults have heard of victory gardens, and I propose we use the same idea, but I like the name Liberty Garden because anything we can do to provide for ourselves is liberating. Just as importantly, the reason I wanted to talk about gardening is because I anticipate a shortage of seed. By the time May rolls around, I think a lot more of the sheeple will be coming to their senses and we could see a run of garden seeds. And I am preaching to myself here. I haven't gotten all of my seed yet either. There is a link on this site that comes highly reccommended; please check it out.
Being in the cold north, I am checking out things that do well in a short growing season. I must make my fianal decision soon and get that order in! I also need to plant a mix of beans this year, ie kidney, pinto etc. Beans keep forever and are good nutritionally.
When money gets tighter, any food you don't have to leave home to acquire through container gardening, picking off the pot setting in your window sill, (think fresh herbs) or digging up out of your back yard will be a blessing. We have some red raspberry bushes and we just love going out in the back and enjoying them throughout the growing season. The neat thing about this is, it doesn't matter where you live, you can find a way to grow something. It really isn't as hard as you might think. Many communities have programs that will help you get started. Check with your local library as you check out a book or two. Involve the kids. They might eat veggies you never dreamed they would if they helped to plant the seed and watched everyday as they sprouted and grew until it was time to harvest. And there is nothing better than a freshly picked home-grown tomato!
A little planning/prepping now can grow into a bountiful harvest. 30, 60, or 100 fold!


APN said...

Yep, doesn't matter where you live (unless you're above the arctic circle), there is always something you can grow. We're up in northern Idaho, so we have to deal with the cold just like you. No problem for us growing lots of food.

Bullseye said...

Need to get more heirloom seeds myself. I better be getting on that one real quick like too, like you I think seeds are gonna be in big demand. I visit a link almost daily that I think you would love. www.pathtofreedom.com look what these people are doing on a 1/10 of and acre in the middle of Pasadena CA. We can all learn from these good folks. If they can raise that much food on such a small place...any one of us can too.

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