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Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,
Today is the day that we remember and celebrate the birth of Your Son, Jesus. I know many would say it is a day made up of more pagan rituals than Christian practice, and they could and do make a good argument, but I choose this day to reflect of the greatest gift ever given, the life of your Son. And we will gather and give each other gifts out of our love for each other, just as You, out of Your great love for us, gave us Your Son... and thus, Yourself, in human form.
What can we possibly say in response to this? Words are not enough. When we begin to realize the depth and magnitude of the Gift, we fall before You in worship and adoration. We give ourselves to You, out of a grateful heart, out of our response to Love Incarnate.
Father, here in this land, the ole us of a, life is changing. Hard times are upon us and our very way of viewing the world is changing as many of us are finding the economy collapsing about us. We have not remembered to put Your kingdom first and to love others as ourselves. We have not stood and fought to retain the freedoms won for us by our forefathers, nor have we taught our children diligently of meaning and cost of Liberty. And now we are beginning to reap what we, our parents, and the generations before have sowed. So I ask that You would have mercy on us. That you would continue to raise up strong men, men who know history and the true meaning of Liberty, to lead the way back to our county's foundation.
May we not forget that this nation was founded on the principles found in your Word. May we again seek Your principles out, study them, learn to apply them, and teach them to our children with great care and diligence. May we humbly come before You in prayer, with faith, recognizing that there is life beyond this one, and that we have hope for true Liberty in Christ, even if we cannot experience Liberty here in this country any longer. May we realize that there are fates worse than death. May we find the strength we will need to face the future and remain true to our mission. May we be prepared to endure what lies ahead.
I also pray for those who will be on Liberty's front line. It will not be a fun place to be and I know there are tears and grief ahead. Help them, Father, to continue on, fighting and demanding and standing for Truth and Justice and to re-establish a country where we can be free once more. Protect them. Let them know there are many of us here, like me, who are too old or too infirm, or too physically limited, to fight on the same plane as they do; but who will pray for them, work behind the scenes, and thank them for their efforts and for their sacrifice.
Grant us all the stubborn will to continue in the face of persecution and threats from the ptb. Let our voices still be heard, let the sheeple continue to awake and become aware of the true battle raging in this world and join us.
Surround us with Your favor and uphold by your Grace,


kymber said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all Wisconsin Preppers from the Canadian Preppers Network!

Help U Prep said...

Thanks for stopping by Kymber and Merry Christmas to you and all our neighbors to the north. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas!

Northwoods said...

In God we trust!

Help U Prep said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Northwoods!
May all God's blesings be to you all.

Anonymous said...

May God have mercy. Amen.

Great post.

God Bless

See Ya

Help U Prep said...

thanks for stopping by and for the kind words Did it MY way. And may God bless you too!

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