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Monday, March 28, 2011

how to convince your significant other to prepare

photo credit - automaton_be on flickr

One of the most vexing problems that face preppers is having an unsupportive spouse or significant other. How do you cope with it and what can you do to convince him/her to come on board and get ready with you?

Here are some ideas that have worked for folks in the past:

- remind your SO of weather emergencies in your area and convince him/her to at least help your family prepare for those

- some folks find it helpful to show their SO government sites like Ready.gov and show the SO what FEMA recommends people do to be prepared

- another tactic is to use your local Red Cross or similar aid agency to demonstrate how a family ought to be prepared for emergencies

- try using economic conditions as a reason to prepare. Unemployment is up and so many people have lost their jobs. Having food stored and other items prepared can be a safety nest if there is a loss of income.

- it's tragic, but sometimes world events like earthquakes or tsunamis can provide incentive for people to get prepared. You might use news reports as a conversation starter to help your SO understand how prudent it can be to be prepared.

- explain to your SO how prepping can be a hedge against inflation. You can take advantage of low prices now to save money in advance of price increases.

- if you SO likes to shop sales, use that to your advantage. Encourage him/her to buy in bulk when items are on sale.

- you might talk about history or your own family history and how beneficial it was for people to have a preparedness mindset. Some historical times/events that are helpful in this conversation are the Great Depression, World War II rationing, and the Dust Bowl.

- use your SO's interests or hobbies as a way to help your family get prepared. Hobbies like gardening, woodworking, sewing, quilting, hunting, shooting, fishing, camping, etc. can all provide ways to help your family increase its preparedness levels.

- take a look at the distinct emergency preparedness conditions your family might face in your community. Do you have chemical plants nearby? If so, your family might be compelled to evacuate in case of a spill. This possible threat can be a great way to introduce having 72-hour kits or BOBs ready.

- remember that skills are as important as gear. If your SO isn't interested in setting aside the funds to gather the gear perhaps he/she is ready to build up skills. Don't discourage any interest he/she might have in becoming better prepared.

- if finances are the main concern, discuss with your SO ways to trim the family budget to free up some money for prepping or ways that you might be able to increase your family income in order to have the funds available for prepping.

What other strategies have worked for you? How have you been able to persuade someone reluctant to prepare to actually start preparing?

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