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Thursday, August 6, 2009

On the move

We have an accepted on our house, and we were blessed by still making a profit. Now it just needs to pass the inspection, FHA and the appraisal....prayers appreciated!

Would love to rent and get a foreclosure, but dh only wants to move once. We have to be out by late Sept. Would love to leave the cold tundra and go south, but job and clients are here, but if God wills....

Tip for the day, check out soapstone stoves. From my research they hold the heat for 8 -12 hours and burn very efficiently. No technology needed. I hope to get one soon as they are on sale until Sept 15 at Woodstock Soaptstone Co.



kymber said...

We will pray for you! Thanks for the tip about the soapstone stoves....gonna look into that!

Also myself, Phelan, Ernie and Prepared in TN are going to be on the Family Preparedness Guide Radio Show tomorrow...I have put up a post on the CPN about it. Would you mind to re-post it here so that we can get as many listeners as possible?

Here is the link: http://canadianpreppersnetwork.blogspot.com/2009/08/ladies-will-be-on-family-preparedness.html

Thanks HUP!

Help U Prep said...

Awesome Kymber. I hope I don't forget to tune in; I have so much to do...dang cobwebs anyway!

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